
Welcome to the Crawley Paranormal Investigators Blog!

Here you will find the latest group and investigation information and paranormal news from around the globe.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

C.P.I. had been Facebook'ed

Yep, Facebook. The webpage that slowly takes over your life, dares you to delete it when you get bored but you just can't bring yourself to do it.

C.P.I. are a bit late to the Facebook scene but we are now finally there (unfortunately!). The group is closed so members only I'm afraid.

We will be able to pass on information, show reports and post images safely between members. If you would like an invite, email me at the usual address.

Paranormal News

If you come across any paranormal news that you would like to share with the group (and with the others who read this excellent blog!) then please email me with a link and I will add it on here.

Paranormal Investigator - technical assistant

As C.P.I. is slowly obtaining more ways to collect data via scientific means I am finding it more difficult to set up various experiments before an investigation starts.

If you would like to help me out then please email me via the website. Position includes finding out new methods in the scientific field, setting up various experiments, data collecting and report writing.

I can already see floods of people wanting to help ;)

CPI is getting bigger and BIGGER!

Ever since we re-opened new memberships C.P.I. has steadily grown. We are now at around 23 members so it's looking likely that we will not be taking on any new applications in the near future.

If you do have a friend who would like to join then please let me know as soon as possible, otherwise they can always come along as a guest.

We will hopefully have another group meeting soon so we can all meet each other.

Michelham Priory

Money for Michelham Priory is now due - can you please forward it to me asap?

I have some exciting scientific experiments lined up for this investigation - made by my very self! I am hoping it will shed some light on any activity that occurs during the many seances we conduct during investigations.

We have a nice small team going to Michelham so here's hoping we have an excellent investigation. Have yet to have one there yet - let's hope I'm 6th time lucky :) (or is it 7th visit now???)

Bolebroke Investigation

Thanks to those that attended the Bolebroke investigation. It was a shame that not much happened but the few things that did occur happened to other groups at different times which is positive.

I will type up the report over the next few days (as I have been signed off sick and am bored stoopid!).

Hope you all got back safely and see you in a few weeks time for Michelham.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Valentines Mansion

Thanks to Phil for finding out that Valentines Mansion will be re-opening their doors to paranormal groups next year.

Still undecided if we will return after our last visit, which didn't provide much in the way of paranormal activity - we shall see.

If you would be interested in returning then drop me an email - if enough of you want to go then we can look into pricing and availability.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Sussex castle investigation

Not long now until our investigation this Friday. A BIG thanks to everyone for paying so promptly - makes my job a lot easier.

I have some experiments planned for this investigation - team leaders will be notified on what I have in store.

Can we all please be at the venue for 7:45 so we can start on time at 8:15 - 8:30 -- I look forward to seeing you all then at what promises to be an excellent venue and investigation.

Thursday, 10 April 2008


Being probably the only person in the group who thinks that most (if not all) orb photos are not paranormal I thought it would be a good idea to show you a webpage that explains it all!

It's only a couple of pages and worth a read. It also shows a few photos that can't be explained so you can make a comparison when you next take a photo with a hundred orbs in it.

The author also explains how to make a hood for your camera lens which should help eliminate the 'dust' photos. 

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Not exactly paranormal but...

...what is wrong with this weather!