
Welcome to the Crawley Paranormal Investigators Blog!

Here you will find the latest group and investigation information and paranormal news from around the globe.

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Clapham Woods

A few of us ventured into the eerie woods of Clapham and...

...unfortunately we would've had more excitement if we had gone to a morgue. The woods were very quiet that night and we found nothing that we would say was paranormal.

We bumped into Charles Walker and his colleague Paul at the altar tree and we were then escorted to the crossroads where we called it a night.

Thanks to Steve for getting us in (and out) safely - even though the woods were quiet there was no way that I wanted to get lost in there (flashbacks to Epping Forest).

Pevensey ghost walk

Just a quick thank-you to Caz for organising the meet between paranormal groups based in Sussex. Our guide, and story teller for the night was excellent and the soup was rather good too!

Here's to the next one which will hopefully be in December.

Whilst I am here another thank-you goes to Tim (P.I.G.S.) for his own version of the tour which a few of us experienced after the others went home - I will never look at Pevensey in the same light again.